Saturday, March 3, 2012

Power of Will

Author Frank Haddock -1915.  this is a comment copied from comments on  the writers book:
I've only read about 120 pages so far, but this is one book I have a hard time putting down. As with most books I've read which were written around this time, Power of Will uses a lot of theatrics. I assume writers wrote in a much more descriptive fashion before the days of modern media. The first chapter seemed a little deep, but as I read on it seemed easier to assimilate. I can't tell you exactly why, but old books such as this seem to draw me in. The point of the book is: By gaining self-discipline (will-power) anything we want to accomplish will be much more possible and probable. I would compare this book with Law of Success (Napoleon Hill), Pushing to the Front (Orrison Swett Marden)and, The Master Key System (Charles F. Haanel). As I've said, read this book!